Tuesday, February 2, 2010

blogs roundup

Hey just thought I would share the top three blogs that I have a habit of checking at least 2 times daily.

1st off is Donald millers blog. I just found this one this past November. It's hard to believe how many years have gone by since I read Blue Like Jazz. That book was one of the few big reasons I'm still involved in the Christian Journey today. It opened me up to an awareness that God is in so many places that I was never expecting Him to be in. Reading his blog is creating that same kind of awareness all over again, but in a new way.

2nd one is (I'm almost scared to say it) Brian McLaren's blog. This blog is dangerous. especially if (like me) you come from a more conservative background. He says things sometimes that will make you have a knee jerk reaction of anger. But I think it's important to read somebody who you know you aren't always going to agree with. In fact I've discovered over the years of reading his stuff, that we have way more in common than I originally thought. He's asking the questions that religion doesn't want to have asked and, go figure, they are the questions that the spiritually seeking tend to ask all the time, and the questions I tend to want to ask but never seem to.

3rd one is a fun one if you are a nerd (i am one, if there was a pledge to the nerd flag that you could say before basketball games and stuff I would proudly say it.) Jeff Vogel is an independent RPG developer. He makes some of the coolest old school feeling Mac and PC games. He has Huge game demos on his Spiderweb software website. And believe it or not, there is quite a bit of crossover between RPG developing and youth ministry. unfortunately he doesn't post very often. But I still check it a couple times a day.


What are your top 3 Blogs?

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